For the ministry of Yahweh and Christ, our Grand Creator and Loving Savior, comes the time in which one door closes while another door opens. Established in 2005 and under the guidance of Yahweh’s holy angels for the purpose of bringing Yahweh’s Light of Truth to Mankind in these End Times, we have now completed our work in the 10th month, ten representing Completion, of the year 2011.
The nourishment that has been freely and graciously given by our Creator for this final and pre-Armageddon generation can be found via the many links listed on our website homepage, Facebook Page and on each of our blogs. It remains as a guiding light for those who continue to seek Truth so that it might be found. It is all that will be available in these final days prior to the Rapture and then, Armageddon in which Yahweh’s elite holy angelic warriors, the Lions of Zion will invade, execute those of evil mankind that remain and remove all traces of Dawn Lucifer Satan the Devil’s evil imprint upon this world.
For many, the door to deliverance, salvation and eternal life is closing and there will be no other door that then opens for them. May Yahweh and Christ lead you to Truth and may that Truth set you free. In the name of Christ Jesus our loving Savior and vindicator of righteous rule we pray, Amen Father Yahweh.
John 8:32 You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
The 188th and Final issue of the weekly Light of Life Ministry Newsletter bringing you Yahweh's Truth in Nourishment and signs from all over the world in these End Times.
Chosen - The Light of Life Ministry Newsletter Issue 188 - The Door Is Closing
The 188th and Final issue of the weekly Light of Life Ministry Newsletter bringing you Yahweh's Truth in Nourishment and signs from all over the world in these End Times.
Chosen - The Light of Life Ministry Newsletter Issue 188 - The Door Is Closing
The Official Website of the Light of Life Ministry